Proud Boy’s Infiltration Into The Philadelphia Police Department

Jawn Oliver
2 min readOct 31, 2020


Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner went on CNN the other night to discuss the Philadelphia Proud Boys in their attempts to potentially interfere in our city’s election. He also brought up that they have infiltrated the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police and have gotten close to major government officials.

“They have already gathered around Mike Pence.” said Krasner, “They are trying their best to get close to a certain police union that we have in Philadelphia, and there has been a steady drum beat coming from this President that Philadelphia is a terrible town.”

Krasner has stated that he will charge the President if he sends people here to interfere with the election and break our communities laws, however the evidence of police response to Proud Boys in Philadelphia has been extremely mild compared to the beatings we have seen families receive on the streets.

Recently the Proud Boys have been spotted at an event hosted by the FOP with Mike Pence as a guest. The Proud Boys were able to mingle with several union representatives and officers, and they also threatened local Philadelphia Inquirer Journalists.

The inquirer reported that when the journalist attempted to take a photo, 6 men surrounded them. They warned the reporters that “they were heading down a dangerous road being there” When police arrived, they asked the men if they were ok, and the journalists were asked for their credentials for being there. The Police then left while the confrontation continued to go on.

Previously, there has been video evidence showing the Philadelphia Police giving an escort directly to the Proud Boys to Columbus Blvd. The Proud Boys Philadelphia telegram channel stated in 2019 that they have begun working with the FBI to capture documentation on leftists. However, this group has showed up on the streets to escalate violence and harass people in our community. In 2018 they narrowly avoided a terrorist organization title by the FBI.

You can understand why the Proud Boys are a dangerous organization by looking at their posts on their main public groupchat

This link on telegram takes you directly to where the organization spews nonsense about taking away people rights, posting obscene racist, sexist, and prejudiced images and messages in their public chat. Many of their chat admins have taken the title Noble up until recently giving the perception that another smaller affinity group exists within the Proud Boys organization.

Other officers in the department have been confirmed to be members of another hate group called Blood and Honour. They are an international nazi punk movement. Officer Ian Hans Lichterman was a member of this group. It makes you question how many neo-nazi, or far right groups have infiltrated the Philadelphia Police Department and the Fraternal Order of Police.

Well the Proud Boys are this group to worry about. They provide armed security for Florida and Delaware Republican candidates and they seem to really be arming up at the moment nationwide.



Jawn Oliver

just tell it how it is. I’d be jawn cena but someone is using that on twitter already. :/ #BlackLivesMatter #PHILLYHOUSINGNOW